It all started back in the summer of 2000 when Antonio and Frankie had the idea to start a band together. With no talent and money they ran on with the idea of starting a band that mixed the influences of Limp Bizkit and Korn ( I personally don’t like either one no more), the newly formed band began to take some shape when both Antonio and Frankie acquired their first guitars ever, as time went on influences changed and talent was brewing. Eventually Antonio and Frankie felt that the band needed a drummer to make the band complete but instead of finding a drummer they found the one and only Chris, who at the time played bass. The two quickly let Chris enter into the band. Well what about the drummer situation, well Frankie soon decided he will take over as drummer, as time went on they realized how bad he was at drums and looked for a new one, they found one in a good friend named angel. He was the perfect drummer for the band. Then Chris decides to start playing guitar and hand over all bass playing duties to Frankie. Both Chris and Frankie soon fell in love with there new jobs as guitarist and bassist and learned to play them quickly. It was now official that there was a band about to be born. With Angel on drums, Antonio and Chris on guitars, and Frankie on bass and vocals with Chris, NYC had a new band lurking in its mean uptown streets and they will not rest until they are heard. Where did the name come from? Well after several band names like Neurotica, No Brakes, and Mercury. The band finally one night at 1 o’clock in the morning the name Less Than Normal came out, its not metaphoric for anything and we didn’t get the idea from Less Than Jake, it just sounded right to the band. Now with the launching of LAST ACT RECORDS (the label that LTN occupies) and with help from good friends like our “roadie” Mr.Biggler as I like to call him and Da Da Dan Amodeoooooo our “sound guy” the band is finally complete. With songs like 20,000 leagues, 3-4, Disabled Romance, Summer Falls, Angel’s Song, The Beauty and The Stalker, Glamour Girl, Sad Song, and Phone Home, theres no stopping the abilities off these 4 young sexy ass men who write and perform there own music and are not a cover band ( we only cover NFG’s Hit Or Miss) and don’t listen to what people think of them, although the reviews have been good. Be sure to definitely check, out LTN at local NYC and Jersey venues. That’s all the story this band has to offer……. at least for now.