Lyrics Lyrics

Love Kisses, Death Wishes

Put on a smile
Break the glass
The tears have fallen
It didn稚 last
Now your gone
and not her with me
Remember the time you kiss me

Seven years we went so strong
The days come and feel so long
And now I知 lost cause
I知 without you girl Without you girl

Love kisses
And Death wishes
You wanted them both
But it値l never work for me and you

OH OH OH OH I don稚 know where I知 going
Please tell me why my eyes are flooding
From the tears that came from that day

Confessions for a girl I know
She broke my heart and I let it show
The rain feels so cold on those long nights alone
Love kisses
And Death wishes
You wanted them both
But it値l never work for me and you

Love kisses
And Death wishes
You wanted them both
But it値l never work for me and you

Stolen Hearts by Frankie

Everything I don't Rember
Is what we weren't supposed to forget
The suns shining down on me
It seems like we never met
Another wasted phone call that I never made
Times fast fowarded
Things just got rearranged

So If I wake up tomorrow in your mind
Is it just my dream gone wrong
Or am I just wasting time
You walk with your pretty lips, telling me I'm wrong
You said sing a song for you
Why it take me so long

My mind is so erased
The ground shook below me
Take my number and get online,the show me to my place
All then I can think about is the way you talk
Things may come and go
But I will always remember that walk

So If I wake up tomorrow in your mind
Is it just my dream gone wrong
Or am I just wasting time
You walk with your pretty lips, telling me I'm wrong
You said sing a song for you
Why it take me so long

20,000 Leagues By Frankie and Chris

Lifes just a story
Just another boring story
about a man with NO self esteem
As I walk down the beach
The life guard looks at me
15 feet into the sea
Just another 20,000 leagues for me to see

La La La La La La
La La La La La
La La La La La La

LIfes just a story
Just another fucking story
about a girl who once had a dream
She looks around
No one to be found
Now she spends her days all alone
If she just had a friend
It wouldn't be the end
But now we're all thinking about the girl

La La La La La La
La La La La La
La La La La La La


MAYFLY by Chris

I know how it feels to be alone
The dustbowls roam, I know I'm home
Reciting a story that isn't easy
It's really hard when you've stopped breathing

I know I'm not that dumb, but you fooled me for really long
A sad song doesn't care who's heart it breaks
You're that sad song Let's get away
Let's go to your place ゚ Distortion
Where we can we stay
For that whole day (2x)
Let's get away
Lets go to your place
Where can we stay
For That whole day

I'm singing I'm dancing
I'm running I'm laughing
I'm sitting I'm shitting
I'm fucking Relaxing
I'm watching the T.V
So don't start bother-ing
Don't open that damn door
I'm jerking to Pam lee
I spilled it on the floor
You ran to tell mommy
I grabbed you don't do it
You better not say shit
But all she could do
Was laugh at my limp dick
You got outta my grasp
And then you went running
Nothing to do so then I pinched your ass
So you started crying
And then there came mommy
Whips in her hand as if she was a mummy
Whipped me, and left me the markings
And then she left her echo's laughing
Man you're so old
And ods/ every day is like this
My only salvation is/ to get the hell out
Before my lungs burst/ and I fucking SHOUT
Finally the last bell has rung
I freaking look like a bum
Now I have only 4 more hell days
Plus I get to go home and masturbate
But when theres light/ comes the darkness
Another 8 periods/ every day is like this
My only salvation is/ to get the hell out
Before my lungs burst/ and I fucking SHOUT
But when theres light/ comes the darkness
Another 8 periods/ every day is like this
My only salvation is/ to get the hell out
Before my lungs burst/ and I fucking SHOUT

Do I look like somebody u can use?
To hurt their feelings and get them all confused
Do I look like somebody that hearts cannot break?
It might not show but I still have that heartache
I can't believe the quietest ones of them all
Can take your heart and hit it as if it's a baseball
U said u liked me and you'll never play me
But then you fucked with my feelings cuz u thought it was funny<
Sometimes I wish I never met you
Sometimes I wish I could start over
Sometimes I wish the earth'll revolve around me
Sometimes I wish I could live like I'm brand new
Sometimes I wish I never met you
I remember when we talked for hour's n hours
And we lay at night and saw the ghost of the towers
And that's when I bet u came up with this diabolical scheme
Was it your friends or do you like to crush feelings
Sometimes I wish I never met you
Sometimes I wish I could start over
Sometimes I wish the earth'll revolve around me
Sometimes I wish I could live like I'm brand new
Sometimes I wish I never met you
That 15th bottle that you drunk ThE BoTtLe
Must have finished it all
Its 4:00 in morning and your wife is in the trunk
I look out my window and all I see are cars
The cops are hauling out the car you drove into the mall
But what did you get when theirs nothing to lose
A shitload of talk that goes right through you too
And saying those things that you'll never complete
You'd better go cry cause theirs nothing to eat

ゥ Copyright 2003, Less Than Normal and All Lyrics. All Rights Reserved.

All songs written by Chris,Frankie,and Angel. Acoustic songs by Frankie and Antonio.