
Favorite Bands: BLINK 182, Box Car Racer, The Useed, New Found Glory, Audio Karate, Green Day, Weezer, LESS THAN NORMAL,Simple Plan, Jimmey Eat World, Good Charlotte, Sem 41 System of a Down, a little bit of the GooGoo Dolls, NoFx and others...

Favorite Movies: Halloween 1--resurrection, Signs, Star Wars, Jaws 1&2, Urethra Cronicles 1&2, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, The Ring and TERMINATOR 1&2

Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, The Chappelle Show, Jackass, SCOOBY-DOO, TOM & JERRY, BOB ROSS(the Joy of Painting LOL only when i wanna go to sleep), Real Sex, Diery and TRL and Beavis and Butthead even though they took it off the air and last but not least SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS.

Favorite Things to do: Play My Guitar, Write Music, Watch T.v, Jerk Off, Download Heavy Amounts OF Porn, talk on the phone, SLEEP, and Eat and Take Long Nice Dumps.

Favorite Foods: Lasanga, Pasta, Anything with good meat(no homo), JELLO, hot dogs, and other stuff.

Favorite PornStars: JENNA JAMESON, Jill Kelly, Raylene, Devon, Nikki Tyler and much much more.

Favorite Cars: MCLAREN F1!!!!, Lamborghini Diablo & Murcielago, Ferrari Enzo F50 and 550 Barchetta BMW M3&M5 and of course Eleanor(1967 Mustang Shelby GT500)

Favorite Animals: My Very Own Star (BLUE NOSE PITBULL), White Bengal Tiger, Bengal Tiger, GreatWhite Shark, Mako Shark, Tiger Shark, Magical Dragons and Leopards. Lol Me and Frankie Are Now the Tour Directors and Producers of the band.