Bishop Angel the 4th

Favorite bands: (in order) Less Than Normal, Blink 182, New Found Glory, Korn, Simple Plan, Sum 41, Good Charlotte, MADCAP, Mest, System of a Down, Eminem, Slipknot, Foo Fighters, Box Car Racer and more..................

Favorite movies: ScarFace,Gladiator, Signs, Urethra Chronicles 1&2, NFG"The Story So Far",The Fast and the Feriouse, Less Than Normal's Home Videos, The Matrix, Blade 1&2.

Favorite T.V. shows: The Simpsons, Jimmy Kimmel, The Chapelle show, South Park, SpongeBob Squarepants, SNL, MAD t.v, Jackass, Clone High, The Man Show. (There's more but I'm probably to high to tell you right now)

Favorite Things to do: Being wit my girl, Hangin out with my friends, playin my drums, pulling pranks on people, Playin Baseball, and last but not least is........... Goin to school.....Wait WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!!!!!!!!!..............kids heres a message form Angel the Drummer dont go to school, as a matter of fact........ fuck school. peace Mothafuckaz!!! WORD

Favorite Foods: Rice And Beans, Lasana, Pizza, Canned foods,Chips, I know this Isn't food but i like drinking Milk. Milk is good. Oh yea and my favorite cereal is Cocoa Puffs.

Goals: I would really like to be successful in life like having lots of money, being famouse..........well i dont really care about being famouse.............FUCK i just wanna play in a kickass band with my best friends which are Frankie, Antonio, and Chris. LESS THAN NORMAL ROCKS!!