9/20: This will be the final post for LTN on this site, we are moving on to bigger and better things. Call it the new LTN if you want but things are definetley going to be much better and different!!! Head Over to http://www.myspace.com/lessthannormal and check us out there, we have 3 songs posted and things are going amazing since we launched are myspace page, meeting and making new fans everyday!!! Anyways a new site is in development, new pics are up on myspace of Frankie and Chris wich were took a few days ago. Thank you everyone who has shown us support these last few days, its amazing the responses we're getting and I'm joyed as hell over it. Bye Bye for now guys, Antonio will most likely be the new news man for the next site why'll I handle our myspace account so *tear, I love YOU ALL!!!!!~ Frankie.... 5/26: We're starting to actually sign demos of our to people!!! Isn't that insane! Anyways we'll be using pro tools to record a better quality recording and till then we might be throwing parties and shows at Funkadelic's. Till then, adios! 5/15: THE BEST SHOW EVER was played today with LTN and END of The Line, of course it was just a house party but the sheer response at the end of the show from the kids made us feel really good. Happy birthday to RoseAngel! 5/4: We have cd's to give out and sell. E-mail Lessthannormal17@aol.com for a copy or something. We already have a few orders so that really kix ass!!!Pop-A-Boards is also offically making our shirts and expect a much nicer site in due time from our good friend Danny boy. Till then....one love~Frankie. 4/13: Just wanted to say that the Rock Against Bush Cd is coming out or it may be out and its an awesome cd for those of you who see Mr.Bush as being a real dumbass president. LTN has been a proud member of PunkVoter.com since it began and we want everyone out there to be able to voice their opinion about the president and the best way is to go out there and vote!!! So go register now!!! 3/21: New pics will be up, these pics are really cool and they look professional so stay on the look out for those. Later~ Frankie 3/6: Well we're practicing tomorrow and we're gonna record it with a really expensive mic so hopefully these recordings will be wayyyyy better then the old ones. Keep checking back to the site for info on upcoming shows, March 28th at Jared's lounge is still up in the air and we'll confirm that show hopefully by the end of this week. YAAWWWNNN man I'm sooo tired right now, I'm gonna hit the sack, cath ya guys in the pit... 2/23: We have finally finished recording our e.p and are looking foward to posting them online once all final mixing is done, there will probably only be two or three of those recorded songs online in the next 2 weeks. The songs have a real bad sound quality so I'm sorry if you think they suck. With this e.p we hope to get tons of shows to play all over NYC and Jersey, the real high quality demo prob won't be around till late summer but we do have songs recorded for the time being for you to listen to. See ya in the pit!!! 2/13: Well its friday the 13th and of course theres some bad news for you L.T.N fans, our show at Jared's Lounge with Pyromyth this sunday has been canceled but don't worry theres another possible show at Jared's on Feb 29th but its not officially confirmed until the other 4 bands are comfirmed. The new mp3s should be up in another 2 weeks so till then all we have are cassettes for you guys to hear. Till then, later... 1/28: Hey there kids, its me Frankie and I have a important date to tell you guys about (who ever you are). Expect for about 4 songs to be posted on the site by Feb 28, we will be recording the week of Feb.16 with Dan. The songs might sound crappy due to the shitty equipment we'll be recordin with, but what ever comes out of it will be far better then anything we have posted in the past. The E.P. will be released on Last Act Records and will be tittled "Tomb Stone and Gatorade". Later! 1/23: Damn its been so long since I have updated this site, so long in fact that I forgot the password, expect updates to come more often considering we should have at least a couple of songs posted on the site very shortly. We still need money for that damn demo but we have recorded songs and recently I was able to make a one song cd with the help of our sound guy dan. Now that we have no school for awhile I think we can get more songs onto cd. All the songs are done its just a matter of getting money. Also shows have been offered to us recently for us to play so expect some shows to come up more often with the help of Chris's uncle. LAstly we will have all new pics up of us on the site along with lil movie mpegs of us in the coming monts. LAST ACT RECORDS LIFE!!! 12/8: No real news excpet that we are still writing for new songs to be placed onto the final demo enitiled "Tombstone and Gatorade". In other news Angel and I along with long time friend and partner in the prankster buisness will be restarting our old "cable access" show with help from our friend Katiah. Expect for us four to be filming soon and hopefully we can get the tapes online with some help from Crystal. Till then, later. 11/15: Some thing or some one tried to fuck up our site but muthafuckaz don't know how nice I am with maintaining this fucking site, I'm really pissed off right now so excuse me from all the damn cursing. If I find out who it was, and I do have a feeling I know who, I'm gonna beat the shit outta them. Oh yea theres gonna be a private show tomorrow :). Love always Frankie. 8/11: Wuzzup everyone, it`s me Antonio and man wuz that a fuckin show or wut?, I mean not jus the free shit and autographs but the instensity and fuckin amazing talent of those bands!. I got to meet Kris roe the singer from the Ataris when he was taking off in his white Pontiac grand am with his guitarist and I dink 3 groupies in the back, I met the drummer from mest, Kenny from the starting line and the guitarist from the starting line when he was drivin. All in all kids, you get to live one of the best moments of your life!. The best band, NO BS, I`m not fuckin lyin at all, I swear it was the used!, Racid was good, TBS was kool, and the starting line are jus a couple of the great bands on the bill. Well now I`m closer to buyin my black Gibson les paul and right after that I`m gettin my 120 watt crate amp!, YEAH!!!, anywayz later dudes. 8/04: Hey kids its me Frankie. This weekends practice was really really really good. We rehearsed for future shows and it was awsome. Our intro to our live performance is sick, with tribal drum beats that lead right into fast paste melodic pop-punk, with the yet to be titled "I love you song". With approval from brendan we can't wait to "hit the road" and studio. Also as all of you who visit this site already know......... dum dah dah duummmmm.....WARPED TOUR! Its only once a year in NYC so I'm stoked. So as AK say, see ya in the pit. 7/31: Hey Frankie here. Ok so we have a few new songs that me and chris did at my house, we even fixed some older songs. Most of the new songs are completely done and angel has drumbeats to a couple of em which I really like. Other then a couple of other songs that need drums that Angel hasn't heard but I'm 100% positive that as soon as he hears em he'll have somethin for em ,everything is done except for Antonios guitar, as soon as he finishes doing the guitar parts to about 8 or 9 songs we can try to find a studio. Also don't blame Simple Plan at Warped cause I personally like em and hopefully I can still get Angel and Chris to go cause I know theres a lot of bands there that they're gonna want to see and if they can't go this year I'm gonna rape them if they don't go next year. Oh yea and Antonios getting a really cool new Gibson and Angels gonna get some real expensive drums. O and Antonio make sure ranger Joe doesn't try to touch you. Later. 7/30: wut every1, it`s me antonio and due to technical difficulties I could not log in but I now am unfortunatly leavin on vacation. I`m goin fuckin campin, fuckin kix ass!. We have managed to make new good songs but now we need to make em better and add some stuff. As frankie mentioned we are gonna get our asses kicked at WARPED TOUR BABY!, YEA I can`t fuckin wait, me, frankie, and biggler are the only ones into that kinda music and we actually know the bands playin and like em, Well most of them, please meet us there to throw crap at simple plan and other really bad gay bands! and emember to blame simple plan for anythin that goes wrong!!!, later dudes. 7/28: Hey I'm back, my vac was good and I managed to meet some pretty cool people on the trip. Anyways warped tours coming up and I'm really excited to see a lot of the bands playing, especially Pennywise, The Ataris, and The Used. We got some hats made with the bands logo on it and we're also almost finished with a lot of our songs, we should be in a real studio soon. Anyways its late and I gotta go, later. Oh yea and a lot of the songs in our lyrics section aren't ones we perform just ones that we have lying around. 7/16: Yo Frankie here, I'm going on vacation today and I won't be back for another 8 days! Anyways when I get back the jersey show shouldn't be to far away and same thing with warped tour! Later yall. 7/12: Hey yall, Frankie here and thanks Antonio for the great comedic update you put there. Anyways, we got like six new songs, almost all complete, we're now in the process of putting lyrics to them. We've been getting good reviews from people which I'm proud of, the wierdest one though was Angel's girl Marie when she said we sound like Cold Play......hey she still liked it! Anyways all the drums to the songs are pretty much done, so bigups to Angel lol. Alright I'm tired now, later. 7/07: WELL happy independence day if u celebrate it, anywayz wuzzup ppl it`s me Antonio back again. Well it seems as if LTN keeps gettin bad luck, if u are the person who put the voodoo curse on us please take it off but anywayz now due to a couple band members having to attend summerschool LTN may have some things pushed back, we had hoped to more forward very well and easy but now it seems that can`t happen. So have any of u attended warped tour yet?, well if ya have don`t tell me, it`s so close that I can almost taste it, lol. Dudes, is it jus me or do chicks have really big knockers nowadays, but anywayz later. 6/30: Wassup Frankie here and yes Antonio is wrong about "Da Bears" considerin te football season ended in january. Anyways I was able to finish most of our song "ride into the sun" our song praising good girlfriends. Its pretty cool, it has a sweet ass guitar and bass riffs and kick ass drums by angel. Also please e-mail Antonio for directions to our jersey show, its Joeynumbers996@aol.com. Oh yea and Thom Yorke from Radio Head is the shit and I hate giving props to other bands on the site but people you should really download "High and Dry" by them. Later yall, one love. 6/30: hey ppl wuzzup, well nuttin really goin on, jus tha the warped tour is underway and try to look for us there. Da bears!,lolol, have something goin on I think, hopefully, damn I`m probably wrong but DA BEARS! all the way!, lol. anwyayz later dudes 6/25:yo wut up people, it`s me Antonio back!. Anywayz there should be some new gear added, so far frankie got his nice big ass Hartke 120 watt amp and his hoppus, and now I`m in the midst of purchasing a new marshall 100 watt amp and ofcourse my alwayz beloved les paul, either a Gibson or Epiphone. If I buy an epiphone it`s cuz warped tour bands are usin em and gibson I dunno y actualy!. In any case I get deals at Guitar Center so I`m prob gettin the marshall lke before christmas. O yea and I put up our songs on kazaa, a music media downloading program, so hopefully you`ll be able to find them there!, otherwise contact me(joeynumbers996@aol.com) 6/23:Yo Frankie here, I just put new pics up so u guys can check out and I just came up with another new song about 9/11. Its kinda late to be writing about 9/11 but hey I like the song. Later 6/21: Hey guys wassup, Frankie here again. This friday was good, we practiced a decently good amount and we even came up with a new song that even Mr.Biggler approved of. Its actually a really good song in my opinion and the lyrics are about a story of a guy loving his girlfriend and how good she is. I guess its a typical pop-punk song but I really like it. Brendan filmed us during our first photo shoot and he got some pretty good stuff, like when Antonio mooned the cars that were passing through riverside. Anyways I gotta go. One love. 6/15: Hey kiddys Frankie here. Ok I just got back from a Bar-B-Que I went to. While there I got some cool ass info about a possible show in Long Island that we might be able to play. My cousin knows people who work at this club where bands just like us play and where bands like the Movielife have started their careers. Thats all the details I have on it so far but I'll keep you posted with more info as it comes in. So its the summer of love and for L.T.N. its the summer for us to finally break out, like its been said a thousand times before, we are working on our demo and thanks to Mr.Biggler and his connections we might get a pretty good studio to use until the Last Act Records studio is finished being constructed. Um....o yea we don't need an opening band after all for the show in Jersey and big ups to Sahara and what ever his name is for finally getting back together! Now we can all live happily ever after......~Frankie (The sexxy one of course *cough) 6/10: wut up people, it`s me Antonio. So wuz really up wit the show in Jersey?. Well it`s not as big as frankie may have emphasized so here`s the deal; the opening act will perform in the garage area and we will perform in the basement/bar which can seta more people than the garage. I`m not sure how many people the garage can hold, since there`s actually never been a band there!. The opening band will probably have to get some shit outta the garage first. The bar can seat more people although I`m not sure how HOT! it might get there. The post-show party will go on as scheduled, one bad note: the show cannot, it can`t go on late. I`m probably gonna have to talk to the police department in NJ and ask them how late the show can go on and hopefully they`ll let us play. I`m not sure if there will be a charge yet, otherwise everyone should contribute with chips and soda and shit lke tha. From what I think, the show in the garage is gonna have to be low in volume and the basement also otherwise the cops will most likely fine us or somethin. Also, Biggler is tryin to get us a studio and talking to some people wit connections. Dudes 8 days and counting till Warped tour starts in the WEST coast, but I can`t wait till it gets here. Anyways e-mail me (joeynumbers996@aol.com) to know which bus to take and how to get there. Later yall. 6/9: Hey all, theres some new pics up that were taken over the last few months that I hope yall like. Also don't forget our show at Jersey, we're organizing the whole thing by ourselves so it'll be really cool to see a huge turn out of people. Besides our parents and grandparents......:(. Remember if you need diretions let me know, its right near fairlawn and you can take a 15 minute bis ride there which literally leaves you right there. It should be around the weekend of August 15-16, if you know any other bands who wanna play this show with us let us know, the place is pretty big so theres enough space for a few bands. Its gonna be our first headlinig show so its gonna be really cool.We're also going to try to organize a christmas show at my school, Beacon, we're hoping to be able to organize it right and play some kickass songs for mine and Angel's H.S. Ok now for other news, I just wrote a new song called "Last Night" this is definnetley our fastest song so be prepared to mosh hard pitsters. Thats all I got for now. Later ~Frankie 6/5: Wassup, Frankie here. School is almost over and this summer is gonna be sick for LTN!!! Come check us out at our first gig, its in the Garage at NJ, its right near Fair Lawn and its 20 minutes away from NYC. If you need directions to it just e-mail me. We're looking for a thrid band to play that show with us so if you know anyone in a bannd let us know, this place is big and kicks ass. Our song 20,000 Leagues finally has all the lyrics to it and expect that to be the first song off our "E.P.". Also if your gonna come to one of our shows this summer expect for us to be playin a couple of 80's cover songs, like "Melt The World" and the 90's hit "Barbie Girl". Um.......I think thats all for now.....O YEA, the Yankees won!!!!!!! Later yall! 6/3: wut up all, its me Antonio, so wuz up?, our demo should be done soon by late summer/early november, expect it to be full of greeeeeeeeaaaaaatttt LTN songs put together by the band and it all sounds great, the Ep will be given; handed to last act records whom will help manage alot of our crap. AP readers! note: as you may have seen an ad in the back of the AP issues that bands were being accepted to try out for warped tour 2003, well to bad for us we`re tooooo fuckin late but expect us to try next year against hundreds of thousands of other bands but look for your favorite NYC rising band, LTN, at this year`s warped tour or atleast 2 of us, anywayz more people are starting to lke our new music genre of somethin and Mr. biggler is now head of editing and crap associated with editing and stuff lke tha I guess so but for now thas all, check back some other time with new updates more often, and DAMNIT I`m gonna FUCKIN try to UPDATE as much as FUCKIN POSSBILE, SHIT, LATER DUDES! 5/30: Helllooooo all its me Frankie......I have some news to tell. I just finished the lyrics to 20,000 and 3-4. Both songs sound really good, 20,000 being our power pop punk ballad and 3-4 being our serious song. Also Antonio will be in Jersey this weekend checkin out "The Garage" the venue which we will be playing later this summer, expect for the show to be empty as hell aswell as very kick ass. We're gonna try to let more people know about this show but considering its such a hard place to find I doubt that many people will come, either way its gonna be fun driving to Jersey to play this show. Our Barbie Girl cover that we have been practicing lately will be added to our "EP". The song`s really cool and I hope people will like it. Adios mis amigos~ Frankie. 5/30: ZION IS tKING OVER U!.Wuzzup people, its me Antonio, anywayz yes it is true I am buyin me a new kix ass schecter omen-6 series guitar at some point soon, and I don`t care wut ppl say otherwise a gibson les paul is at my attention also but schecter is #1 now5. Oh and sorry to the dude who`s number I put up, I found out who it wuz. unfortunatley no practice this weekend or prob next due to finals and shit!, but when we get back together good shit is gonna be recorded. P-A-R-T-Y IN NJ DUDES, so LATA! 5/28: wut up every1, it me Antonio again. so what new gear was added over the weekend?, well frankie bought a new shure mic pack, it comes wit the stand and cable and not to mention last week`s new kix ass amp, a new Hartke. Brendan is also buyin a crate amp 2morrow so he can play as a substitute for when someone isn`t at practice. o and call this number if u want a list of our shows,212-681-9759, ask either for brendan or terry. later dudes. 5/23: Wuzzup, good stuff made 2day over the phone wit frankie. Yea it`s me Antonio, the good lookin one, today while on the phone wit Frankie, we amde 2 great songs, we made a great acoustic song and we added to 3-4-3-4. Good friend and co-producer, Dan was over at frankie`s and helped wit good parts. Although me and frankie are keen in makin songs for ltn the other songs we made might be used fo After Taste,(our side band)anywayz frankie is gettin a kix ass foot pedal or somethin bigger. And yes I am still savin fo my soon to be schecter, unless I change my mind. 5/16: This is not REAL!, t-1s is the MATRIX, anywayz were hopin to go over the songs soon, record them, play em to some people, put em on mp3.com, and finally hit the studio, then later of course send our demo to labels (Drive-Thru) and go on tour!. I put a plug up for us in my sum 41 tab and NFG(acoustic)so we might get more hits but anywayz check em out at punkhardcore.com under tabs and look for new found glory`s head on collision acoustic tab and look for sum-41`s hell song intro. Oh and also Against Hope (Frankie and Antonio's side band) is now called After Taste. Thats all, till later, peace. 5/14: Hey whats up every body it's Brendan, you probaly heard of me thanx to Frankie if not i'm LTN's "roadie" and i will also be filming the practices and other crazy things they do. Well anyways he some news, the band will be recording there demo soon so don't worry also as u may have all heard Dawsons Creek is over. Besides the Matrix opening tomorrow thats all the news i have besides i'm tiered and i got to wake up for school tomorrow, so i'll talk to you guy later. Later 5/11: wuzzup people, it`s me Antonio, first off, sorry I have`nt been updating the site site but thanx to frankie u guys got quite an update on wuz happenin wit us. So what`s happend in between what frankie wrote and now?, well not much, jsut read his update again and you`ll see what really happend with us and also that me and frankie have a side band now, it`s not really important but when we got time on our hands, lke how me and him usually practice together alot somtimes, we decided to do something with the time we have in between but only when we got time and ofcourse we always keep LTN #. The side band is called "against hope" and it`s an acoustic emo band which will also play political punk songs, this will not in any way affect LTN. I also dropped out of my other side band "the hairy legs", due to decreased effort of practicing but now there`s "against hope" which will also jam very little times but it`s jus for fun and to kill time. Also try and get the new NoFx cd which is quite interesting in the aspect of politics, it even shows an 8-minute documentary on how the elction got rigged and 2 music videos. Fat mike really did his homework this time but he could ahve done better, thanx fatty. so anywayz I`m leavin to NJ for 2day, and hope all u have a happy mothers DAY!, LUV YA MA!. Later dudes. 5/5: Frankie~ Well theres a lot to talk about but first I wanna say there are new editions to the LTN family. First is Dan Amooooodeooooo who will be our sound guy and who will be helping us a lot with our demo recordings, and next is Brendan Bigler who will be helping us film our practices and wild antics that we perform on the street as well as our "roadie". I never met him but he seems cool. Now I know a lot of you wanna see us play but it seems that your going to have to wait a little bit longer, its not that we don't want to perform its just that we're going to be pushing our demo to full gear and we want to get it done and make it sound its best by the end of the summer, so playing shows are just gonna get in our way. If you really can't wait to see us live you can come over to jersey to watch us perform at the "Garage" wanna know what and where it is, just e-mail either me or Antonio for details, or you can catch us at the underground this summer in NYC where we will probably be playing a live acoustic set ( we're not an emo band we just like to play acoustic songs every now and then). There will also be an official LAST ACT RECORDS STUDIO built soon, probably by the end of the year, this is where Less Than Normal will be doing most of its recordings, for more info on the studio and booking times for it e-mail Me at LessThanNormal17@aol.com, the studio can be all yours for a good price. Its free of charge for us because we're a Last Act Records band. WANT MERCH, well be sure to expect some soon, definetley at our shows later this year or you can buy LTN and Last Act Records shirts,hats,hoodies,blankets,pillow cases,underwear, and all types of shit directly off of this site. Oh and there is no more music for you loyal fans to hear, it has been taken down because we here at LTN feel that the music wasn't right and our best stuff has yet to been posted online but expect our MP3.com page to be filled with 3 new and entirely different songs, Disabled Romance, 34-34, and 20,000 leagues. All are great songs so I hope you enjoy em when they're posted. Phew that was a lot to write but I hope it keeps you fans informed, till later, love Frankie. 4/29: YO wuzzup eevry1, it`s me Antonio here. Long time no update, new shit camever weekend with every1, probably our best work yet popped up over the weekend along with a couple new stuff. Check out our friends over at sensesfail.com and buy their new kix ass cd along with a free singed poster! oh and talking bout artists I actually met Tobey mcguire or spider-man today aftershcool, I accidentally went out through the wrong exit in my school and right into the set where he was sitting down and across from him was KIRSTEN DUNST! but anywayz well put up new shit on the site daily now hopefully. 4/19: Hey Frankie here, so lets see, our demo should be done bythe end of spring and we're all hyped for it. No one has ever really heard our music cause the stuff on MP3.com ain't really us, well the song "My Love" is, but expect the demo to be packed with music that will make you laugh and cry all at the same time, whether or not your laughin at the music cause its bad is all up to how u think we are. Till then later. 4/17: WUZZUP people, tis I the one and only great Antonio behind the keys again. At next preactice we hope to record some good songs, lke "ink", "love song", "disabled romance", "some slow song", and try to make "typical punk song" longer. For those who have not heard bout the "typical punk song" it is going to be a politcally charged song going against corporate amaerica, Bush, politics, and many toher things typical americans go about their days; this song will be quite long I estimate about 15 minutes, oo and me and frankie made a great "hate song", I like the bass riff it sounds lke "earth angel" and "dear donna" and the lyrics will also be about politics and how much they sux along wit stupid PEOPLE!. till later,peace 4/11: Wassup its me Frankie and I just wanted to say that we have ONE song on MP3.com, its just an instrumental and I doubt we'll ever perform it live but check it out, its a ruff cut demo song so enjoy as musch as you can. Later yall. 4/9: Yo wut up every1 it`s me Antonio here, so I went to the beacon musical show and it was`nt bad, it was good in the aspect that it was aginst FUCKING WAR and FUCKING BUSH! (please try and get him out of term or else we are going into a decline!), although we thought some band was gonna be good they actually SUCKED!, but anywayz mayb the show in May might have us!. John, Frankie, Tim, and me were at the beacon show. I think we would prob be better than those bands although we ain`t shit, lol, but yea we might do a show in may in beacon. So by next monday y`all are gonna have a better clue on where u can see play our first show or sumthin. Frankie got his new kick ass bass, the hoppus series. Atleast now somethin is gonna sound descent. NEW PICS ARE UP CHECK EM OUT!!! 4/6: wut up kids it`s me Antonio, good jam session this weekend and new songs came out. John was able to practice but we ddi`nt invite without a doubt he will appear next week to record great songs and Tim was not aailable due to some crap anywayz, they might update the site also!.Now... we really have`nt decided on where we wanna have our first gig mayb the underground or Beacon. Also check out a show on wendsday Beacon at lke 2-5 I`ll be there along wit some peeps, so really try and check that out on I dink 60st. and 10 ave. is where Beacon is but I`m not 100% on sure so jus try that address or ask if ur lost, anywayz check y`all out lata, peace 4/3: Wassup,our MP3.com page should be up within the next month so stay tuned for more on that in the upcoming weeks. Our first show might be at the Beacon Bands Against The War sometime in may. We're gonna be getting ready for that so u should to. Till then, Later. Frankie 4/1: YO wut up every1, it`s me Antonio here, umm we are now tryin to book a couple shows instead of just one, hopefully we will get booked. We are now going to perfect the songs me and frankie atleast have done lke about 11 or 13. OOOO dudes Fat mike of NoFx, yes FAT MIKE will be playin bass for the foo fighters!!, this is quite somethin, and also I hope the new NoFx record won`t be pushed back "The War on Errorism" due to be in stores in may along with all our new singles which will also go for sale in may!, jus kiddin gotcha!, lol anywayz peace 3/29: Hey its me Frankie, I just got lyrics to a new song up and I wanna say thanx to all the people who have sent me e-mails saying they like the band and that we kick ass. I appreciate it. Peace, Love, and Smoke 2 joints. Later. 3/24: Yo wut up every1, it`s me antonio here again. We are extremely close to gettin our first official set, it might be acoustically but hey atleast we get somethin. I have a couple good acoustic songs I`m practicin on and inprovin alot. Because of it being an acoustic set we are questionin the use of drums, such as if brushes sticks should be used or no drums at all, but we need to rehearse and record our demo and discuss the first possible set!. We are tryin 2 get a spot over at the underground located in NYC! but we have not been unfortunate or fortunate yet, so please help us people. 3/23: Hey Frankie here, the anti-war protest was yesterday and I heard it was the shit. I couldn't go cause Chris isn't into that stuff so we played baseball instead. Theres a whole bunch of new pics of us for the first time in the pics/bio's sections. Almost all the pics are at Angels house and our good friend Edgar is in one of em. Oh and expect for us to be hopefully playin a local show at the Undeground in NYC. It might be an acoustic set but we don't know yet. Till then later yall. 3/21: Yo wut up every1 it`s me Antonio back here. So now with the supposed "war" HA!, there are unfortunately some tours cancelled. New stuff in the band is going on and we are gettin reviews, actually good reviews although we suck, but we are gettin better, there is a fast song in the works and vocals are not that least of the matter now. With spring poppin up we hopefully plan to do some shows as a band and practice or else film!. Anwyayz Talkin about the war, epitaph records on their website has posted up alotta links to anti-war sites, it`s actually pretty good, so check that out without a doubt!. And so now with the "war" HAHAHA! which is not even a war, all the fuckin u.s. is doin is an operation in freeing Iraqis and giving them democracy. It is eerie at times lke this now but it brings ppl together. Also these fuckin t.v. channels better fuckin go back to regular fuckin programmin or else I`m goin fuckin phsyco on my fucking T.V., try and go the epitaph`s site! o and I`m teachin my friend guitar and were prob gonna create some View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook
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